Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is been wealthy stands for? Is is having a lot of money? New expensive car? Huge house with swimming pool and jacuzzi? Taking vacation every year? Host expensive parties at your huge house? Who defines word wealthy? Who is to judge what is wealthy? Society? Neighbors? Friends? Banks? Who can say what been wealthy is all about?

I always wished to be wealthy. So wealthy that it would made other people sick. I always wished to have so much money that I can purchase anything I need and anything I want with the swipe of the ATM card. I wanted to be so wealthy that I could buy expensive gifts for Christmas. I wanted to be able to buy gift that people would talk about for the whole year. Think of me whenever they would hold their present. Be able to give the latest electronic gadgets, latest computers, name brand clothes, dimonds and so forth....

I know that I'm not the only one who wishes to look at the item in the store and be able to buy it and not to worry about been able to pay bills or have enough money to treat my self with a spa visit or maybe a mini vacation.  Lately it all changed for me. Whenever I would go shopping I would ask my self so if I buy it and then what? Well yes it would look good in my house for a week or two and then it would get really old really fast. It would just sit in my house and collect dust. How many times did it really happen to you to? I bought room decorations for my thinking room. Decorated room with the batterflyes, flowers, garrlands and beautiful lights. It looked really cute for first few weeks and then it became just ordenary stuff. There been times when I didn't even noticed the decorations. So now what..... All that money thrown away. What for?

So far I've saved more money than I ever have just asking one simple question before I do anything. And then what?  Its Christmas season I'm so tempted to go out and purchase gifts for everyone... And then what? Well yes it will make people be nice to me for a day or so.... And then what? It will go back to been normal. And then what? It will be all forgoten before February. Is it worth to go out of my way to spend all this money? Not really. 

I already can see how some people can judge me and say I have no Christmas spirit. Or I'm just been greedy. Yes I'm. There are people that deserve to get presents for Holidays. Those are people who are here with you through tough times and happy times. Those who share your life with you. Ones who trully care about you. These people deserve gifts everyday not just for the holidays. People who would put their lives on hold just to make sure you are happy with yours. 

So this holyday I'm giving gifts only to those who has played  a major role in my life. Not fake "how are you?" here and there but really been there for me. I'm making this season a celebration for those who trully deserved it and really showed to me that they cared. Those who really deserved my attention and my respect.

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